Pride and Prejudice Book Tag

If there is to be one post or feature that I bring over from A Dreamer’s Library, it is the book tag that I created based around Pride and Prejudice, my favourite classic and one of my all-time favourite books.

I first created this back in 2017 and I had a lot of fun with it. I’ve looked back on it whilst getting this blog ready for launch and it feels classically me, which is what I want out of this.

Obviously being a new blog and this tag being three years old, it will be updated. My answers might not be the same, and if they’re not, it is probably a good thing.

A few little pleasantries:

  • Thank those who tagged you.
  • Link back to the creator of the tag (Me aka Emma @TurnAnotherPage)
  • Tag as many people as you want
  • Have fun!!

Let’s jump into Austen and have some fun!

The Bennet Sisters: A Mixed Bag
A book or series with an eclectic cast of characters

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet: Wayfarers 1 (English Edition) eBook:  Chambers, Becky:

Not that I’ve actually read this book in its entirety (for some reason I stopped reading it and never picked it back up again) but The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. From the little I remember, everyone was unique, had their own voice, yet felt as if they belonged together and it was one of the things I was enjoying about this book. I’ve also heard really great things about the rest of the series so I need to pick this up again at some point in the future.

Charlotte Lucas: The Best Friend
A dependable book/series, tv show or film you can always turn to

All Souls: Book 1: A Discovery Of Witches by Deborah Harkness published by  Hodder & Stoughton @ - UK and Worldwide Cult  Entertainment Megastore

I mused a little about how to answer this question but I have to be classic Emma again with my answer – that is if you know me and my favourite books rather well. It has to be A Discovery of Witches and the All Souls series by Deborah Harkness. I reread all the books at least once a year and they’re always the first books I gravitate towards when I’m in a reading slump. I just love them for their mix of history, witchcraft, knowledge, and their general ability to swallow me whole for at least a week. Also, with Deborah Harkness writing more books in this series, and the season 2 of the Sky One series a couple of months off, there’s going to be new content in this world and I am here for it!

Mr Darcy: The Unexpected Surprise
A book or series that you didn’t originally like but grew to love.

Wrap up – The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff – Casey  Carlisle

Right at the very beginning, Illuminae was not a book I loved. I found Kady and Ezra to be rather flat, the sci-fi a bit confusing, and the crazy pages of the physical format to be rather headache-inducing. However, still a little intrigued by the book and series, I reread it via audiobook and everything that bothered me initially was forgotten about. The mixed cast made it easier to connect to the characters, the sounds made me feel part of the story, and AIDAN was even more chilling. I read the rest of the series via audiobook too and it is definitely the reason why my feelings towards Illuminae changed.

Lady Catherine de Bourg: The Intimidating Aristocrat
A book or series that intimidates you

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson | Waterstones

For its sheer size and the rather small font, I’m saying the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. In fact I’d go so far as to say that I find every Brandon Sanderson fantasy rather intimidating. They’re huge and the worlds incredibly extensive. It’s not great for someone who is a known reader of fantasy to be daunted by such huge series, but there we go. I have to make the leap at some point and this will probably be the first one I go for. Hopefully it will get me reading these High Fantasies that every fantasy reader seem to love.

Mr Bingley: Honest Yet Easily Led
A character you think deserves a lot of love

The character that came to mind when I initially wrote this question is I think the same one I’m going for now, who is Henry Branwell from The Infernal Devices. He sort of flies under the radar as he is a little eccentric and doesn’t have the biggest of roles in the series, but I’ve always loved his bumbling nature and his desire for innovation.

Mr Collins: Awkward and a little socially inept.
What hyped or popular book/series have you not yet read?

THE GREAT LIBRARY SERIES BY RACHEL CAINE || Terrifying Librarians &  Characters You'll Want to Die for – Camillea Reads

I’ve a couple that my friends have been screaming at me to read for a few years now, and one of them is the Great Library series by Rachel Caine. I’ve had every intention to read this and I even own the first three books, but I honestly haven’t got round to it yet. They’re books that shouldn’t take me long to read at all, but they keep getting pushed aside for one reason or another.

The Gardiners: Steady Voices of Reason
A character from any book, film, or tv series that you would turn to for advice

This answer jumped at me when I was copying the questions down again and it is Cassandra Nightingale from Good Witch, played by Catherine Bell. Her character is always one who knows exactly what to say or do at the right moment to put people on the right path, and I love it.

Mr Wickham: The Deceiver
A book that did not reach your expectations

The Shape of Night: Gerritsen, Tess: 9781984820952: Books

I will read anything Tess Gerritsen writes. Her medical/crime thrillers are my go-to books when I’m in that kind of reading mood and her standalones have always left me itching for more. However, Shape of Night was not the book I expected from her at all. The storyline was too out there for my liking and I had too many ‘what the heck’ moments when reading it. I was curious enough to finish the book, but if this had been my first foray into Tess Gerritsen’s fiction I wouldn’t continue exploring her back catalogue. Luckily that’s not the case and I know how great she can be, so hopefully this book was just a one off.

Georgiana Darcy: Shy and Naive but Friendly
An under-hyped or represented book that you really love

The Bone Sparrow: Fraillon, Zana: Books

The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon. This came out in 2017 when everything on the news was connected to all the migrants and the situation at Calais, and it was, and still is, a timely story about a refugee who has lived his whole life in a migrant detention centre. He connects with a girl on the other side of the fence and together they find hope and resilience through the power of stories. It was heartbreaking yet potent and poignant, and when I read it, I wanted to constantly talk about this book, but I think because The Hate U Give was getting all the attention (and very rightly so) this flew under the radar. It still is to an extent and it shouldn’t be as it is necessary reading.

Colonel Foster’s Regiment: Sure to liven up any party!
What book or series would you always recommend?

Just One Damned Thing After Another (The Chronicles of St. Mary's): Taylor, Jodi: 9781910939529: Books

The Chronicles of St Mary’s by Jodi Taylor, even if you’re not the biggest fan of history. What makes these books so good is the cast of characters, the hijinks, and the pure classic Britishness of everything. I won’t lie when I say that our main character Maxwell “Max” can get a little irritating by how far she will really push a situation, but everything else around her kind of makes up for it. And once you’re in this series, you can’t get out of it. It’s addicting and you’re interested but also very scared of where it is going to go next. I know the latter is certainly why I haven’t caught up with the last couple of books.

There we have it. My Pride and Prejudice tag.

I tag ALL OF YOU who read this!

Thanks for reading and have a brazzle dazzle day!

Published by Emma @ Turn Another Page

Hello, I’m Emma aka pageturner92, and welcome to my little corner of the online book world. When I don’t have my head in a book, I’m either working on an endless pile of crochet or knitting projects, playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, listening to Disney music, or watching my favourite shows on repeat.